Van Bakelen Nico
Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Groningen, The Netherlands
Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
University Medical Center Groningen
Hanzeplein 1
9713 GZ Groningen
The Netherlands
Telephone number : +31 (0) 50 3616161
Arthroscopy versus arthrocentesis and versus conservative treatments for temporomandibular joint disorders: a systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. Tang YH, van Bakelen NB, Gareb B, Spijkervet FKL. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2024 Jun;53(6):503-520.
Arthrocentesis versus non-surgical intervention as initial treatment for temporomandibular joint arthralgia: a randomized controlled trial with long-term follow-up. Tang YH, Vos LM, Tuin AJ, Huddleston Slater JJR, Gareb B, van Bakelen NB, Spijkervet FKL. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2023 May;52(5):595-603.
Four-Dimensional Determination of the Patient-Specific Centre of Rotation for Total Temporomandibular Joint Replacements: Following the Groningen Principle. Merema BJ, Witjes MJH, Van Bakelen NB, Kraeima J, Spijkervet FKL. J Pers Med. 2022 Aug 31;12(9):1439.
Reliability and accuracy of the torque applied to osteosynthesis screws by maxillofacial surgeons and residents. Gareb B, van Munster VDM, Dijkstra PU, Bos RRM, Vissink A, van Bakelen NB, van Minnen B. Sci Rep. 2022 Aug 24;12(1):14411.
Reproducibility of 2D and 3D Ramus Height Measurements in Facial Asymmetry. van Bakelen NB, van der Graaf JW, Kraeima J, Spijkervet FKL. J Pers Med. 2022 Jul 20;12(7):1181.
Titanium or Biodegradable Osteosynthesis in Maxillofacial Surgery? In Vitro and In Vivo Performances. Gareb B, Van Bakelen NB, Vissink A, Bos RRM, Van Minnen B. Polymers (Basel). 2022 Jul 7;14(14):2782.
Biocompatibility and degradation comparisons of four biodegradable copolymeric osteosynthesis systems used in maxillofacial surgery: A goat model with four years follow-up. Gareb B, van Bakelen NB, Driessen L, Buma P, Kuipers J, Grijpma DW, Vissink A, Bos RRM, van Minnen B. Bioact Mater. 2022 Jan 19;17:439-456.
A new tool to assess Clinical Diversity In Meta-analyses (CDIM) of interventions. Barbateskovic M, Koster TM, Eck RJ, Maagaard M, Afshari A, Blokzijl F, Cronhjort M, Dieperink W, Fabritius ML, Feinberg J, French C, Gareb B, Geisler A, Granholm A, Hiemstra B, Hu R, Imberger G, Jensen BT, Jonsson AB, Karam O, Kong Z, Korang SK, Koster G, Lai B, Liang N, Lundstrøm LH, Marker S, Meyhoff TS, Nielsen EE, Nørskov AK, Munch MW, Risom EC, Rygård SL, Safi S, Sethi N, Sjövall F, Lauridsen SV, van Bakelen N, Volbeda M, van der Horst ICC, Gluud C, Perner A, Møller MH, Keus E, Wetterslev J. J Clin Epidemiol. 2021 Jul;135:29-41.
Trust, but verify: response to "Titanium plate removal in orthognathic surgery: prevalence, causes and risk factors. A systematic literature review and meta-analysis". Gareb B, van Bakelen NB, Dijkstra PU, Vissink A, Bos RRM, van Minnen B. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021 May;50(5):707-708.
Efficacy and morbidity of biodegradable versus titanium osteosyntheses in orthognathic surgery: A systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. Gareb B, van Bakelen NB, Dijkstra PU, Vissink A, Bos RRM, van Minnen B. Eur J Oral Sci. 2021 Oct;129(5):e12800.
Comparison of the mechanical properties of biodegradable and titanium osteosynthesis systems used in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Gareb B, Roossien CC, van Bakelen NB, Verkerke GJ, Vissink A, Bos RRM, van Minnen B. Sci Rep. 2020 Oct 23;10(1):18143.
Accuracy of fit analysis of the patient-specific Groningen temporomandibular joint prosthesis. Merema BJ, Kraeima J, Witjes MJH, van Bakelen NB, Spijkervet FKL. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021 Apr;50(4):538-545.
Lack of Conventional Acinar Cells in Parotid Salivary Gland of Patient Taking an Anti-PD-L1 Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor. Pringle S, van der Vegt B, Wang X, van Bakelen N, Hiltermann TJN, Spijkervet FKL, Vissink A, Kroese FGM, Bootsma H. Front Oncol. 2020 Apr 2;10:420.
Biodegradable versus titanium osteosynthesis in maxillofacial traumatology: a systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. Gareb B, van Bakelen NB, Dijkstra PU, Vissink A, Bos RRM, van Minnen B. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 Jul;49(7):914-931.
Comparison of the long-term clinical performance of a biodegradable and a titanium fixation system in maxillofacial surgery: A multicenter randomized controlled trial. Gareb B, van Bakelen NB, Buijs GJ, Jansma J, de Visscher JGAM, Hoppenreijs TJM, Bergsma JE, van Minnen B, Stegenga B, Bos RRM. PLoS One. 2017 May 11;12(5):e0177152.
Cost-Effectiveness of a Biodegradable Compared to a Titanium Fixation System in Maxillofacial Surgery: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. van Bakelen NB, Vermeulen KM, Buijs GJ, Jansma J, de Visscher JG, Hoppenreijs TJ, Bergsma JE, Stegenga B, Bos RR. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 20;10(7):e0130330.
Comparison of the long-term skeletal stability between a biodegradable and a titanium fixation system following BSSO advancement - a cohort study based on a multicenter randomised controlled trial. van Bakelen NB, Boermans BD, Buijs GJ, Jansma J, Pruim GJ, Hoppenreijs TJ, Bergsma JE, Stegenga B, Bos RR. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014 Oct;52(8):721-8.
Comparison of biodegradable and titanium fixation systems in maxillofacial surgery: a two-year multi-center randomized controlled trial. van Bakelen NB, Buijs GJ, Jansma J, de Visscher JG, Hoppenreijs TJ, Bergsma JE, Stegenga B, Bos RR. J Dent Res. 2013 Dec;92(12):1100-5.
Decision-making considerations in application of biodegradable fixation systems in maxillofacial surgery--a retrospective cohort study. van Bakelen NB, Buijs GJ, Jansma J, de Visscher JG, Hoppenreijs TJ, Bergsma JE, Stegenga B, Bos RR. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2014 Jul;42(5):417-22.
A randomized clinical trial of biodegradable and titanium fixation systems in maxillofacial surgery. Buijs GJ, van Bakelen NB, Jansma J, de Visscher JG, Hoppenreijs TJ, Bergsma JE, Stegenga B, Bos RR. J Dent Res. 2012 Mar;91(3):299-304.
Chapter 21 ‘Replacing temporomandibular joints’ by FKL Spijkervet, BJ Merema, NB van Bakelen, J Kraeima in the book ‘Joint replacement technology’ 3rd edition by Peter Revell
Chapter 1.4.2 ‘Biodegradable osteosynthesis: past, present, and future’ by NB van Bakelen, JM Meijer, RRM Bos in the book of the AOCMF ‘Principles of Internal Fixation of the Craniomaxillofacial Skeleton – Trauma and Orthognathic Surgery’ by M Ehrenfeld, PN Manson, and J Prein.